
We appreciate your patience when it comes to waiting for your quality body jewelry to arrive. Quality body jewelry manufacturers sell to qualified body piercers only (excluding Glasswear Studios and a few select gold companies).
Because of this, everything you order from Boomerang Tattoo Company is ordered by our body piercer at Boomerang Tattoo Company, shipped to our shop in Idaho from the manufacturer, sterilized by us, then shipped to you. Some items will be in stock and will ship out immediately, but unless specified and extra shipping is paid, we will wait to ship your order until we receive all your items.
If you would like your items sent as quick as possible and are interested in paying separate shipping, specify this in your 'Order Special Instructions' section at checkout. We will contact you as your items arrive and send an invoice for additional shipping charges via email.
Below are the average estimated shipping times (from order time until it reaches your mailing address inside the United States) for each company we carry. They are approximate and subject to change. Feel free to fill out a contact form if you would like a live update.

Anatometal: 2 months

Body Circle Designs: 3 months

BVLA: 6 months

Cascade Body Jewelry: 1 month

Clickerino: 3 months

Divinity Metals: 1 month

Glasswear Studios: 2 months

Industrial Strength: 2 months

Intrinsic Body Inc: 2 months

LeRoi Fine Jewelry: 2 months

NeoMetal: 1 month

People's Jewelry: 1 month